The Ultimate Guide To Landing Pages That Sell - [Free Landing Page Template for Dorik]
Struggling to build your SaaS landing page? Don't know how to write engaging copy?
This FREE landing page template includes a simple wireframe model of a well-structured SaaS landing page.
Plus easy-to-use formulas for converting landing page copy.
It's designed to be used with Dorik and follows my popular Twitter guide for landing pages.
Download, import to Dorik and use it as a boilerplate for your own landing page.
Or use the copywriting tips as inspiration for your existing page.
What's inside?
A SaaS landing page template with 11 sections.
Each section includes instructions that help you design an engaging page and write better copy.
1) Main headline
2) Subheading
3) CTA #1
4) Credibility
5) Image/video
6) Longer value prop
7) Features/benefits
8) More CTAs
9) More credibility
10) Pricing
11) FAQ
How can I use this template?
Import the JSON-file to Dorik and edit the page directly there.
Edit texts, colors and images to create your own version of the page.
Don't forget to delete the instructions and boilerplate text before launching your page.
There are also HTML + CSS files included for quick preview.
In theory it's possible to also edit the HTML and CSS directly but this is not recommended (code produced by Dorik is not that clear).
How can this be free?
I like helping out fellow creators :-)
If you want to help me to launch similar content in the future, follow me on Twitter.
Or make a donation when downloading this file.
Any other questions?
You can always DM me on Twitter.
A free landing page template with copywriting instructions. HTML, CSS and JSON for Dorik included.